(Cushing, Okla.) Looking for something a little different to do this weekend? Then here are a few things you might enjoy!
Bristow, Oklahoma
Bristow Pirates – play in an away game at 7 pm on Friday, September 14th (2018) at Mannford.
Chandler, Oklahoma
9th Annual Stone River Music Festival – will be going on in Chandler, Oklahoma from September 14th – September 16th (2018). Friday, September 14th the events begin at 3 pm, and Saturday, September 15th the events start at 10:30 am. Sunday, September 16th open gate. You can get tickets at the Diamond Tag Agency in Chandler or at https://www.ticketstorm.com.
Location is 3 miles North of Chandler, Oklahoma. This is a weekend of grassroots music, featuring mostly Oklahoma bands and musicians. Food trucks, arts, and crafts vendors will be on hand too.
Coyle, Oklahoma
Coyle Bluejackets – play against Garber in an away game at 7 pm on Friday, September 14th (2018).
Cushing, Oklahoma
Farmers Market – open on Thursday from noon until 5 pm at 2004 E Main (Atwoods). Needing more information please contact Bill Irwin at 918-399-3480.
CHS Drama Department – will be holding a Taco Salad Dinner on Friday, September 14th (2018) at the Cushing High School Fieldhouse from 4:30 pm until 6:30 pm prior to the game against Berryhill. Cost is only $6 for taco salad, sides, desserts, and drinks.
Cushing Tiger Football – gets underway at 7 pm against Berryhill on September 7th (2018), in Cushing at O’Dell Field.
The Men of First Christian Church – would like to invite you to their monthly Men’s Fellowship Breakfast at 7:30 am on Saturday, September 15th (2018). First Christian Church Disciples of Christ is located at 300 E. Moses. Come yourself and invite a friend, they would love to have you at their breakfast!
Movie Night in the Park – kicks off this Saturday, September 15 in Memorial Park from 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm! Watch Disney’s Coco under the stars with your family. Games for the kids AND adults with prizes. It’s a family night in Memorial Park (Cushing). Thanks to Chamber Member Sponsors, Cushing Pride, The Oklahoma Shoppers Group and Custom Dental.
Memorial Park is located at 500 S. Little Street (Cushing). The movie will be shown in front of the amphitheater. Games start at 6:45 pm, and the movie starts at dusk! Bring your favorite non-alcoholic beverage, and some snacks for a good time! (Free popcorn and water available while supplies last!)
Cushing Pride – will meet for city clean up at Cushing City Hall, 100 Judy Adams Blvd, 2 pm on Sunday, September 16th (2018). Interested in more information go to https://www.facebook.com/events/290625588154449/.
Davenport, Oklahoma
Davenport Bulldogs – play at home against Alex on Friday, September 14th (2018). The game starts at 7:30 pm.
Drumright, Oklahoma
Drumright Varsity Football – plays at home against Tonkawa (Oklahoma) on Friday, September 14th (2018) at 7 pm.
Enid, Oklahoma
Joshua Polashek – Live at The Spot on Friday, September 14th (2018) at 9:30 pm. The Spot, located at 417 N. Grand, in Enid.
Hidden Agenda at The Spot – located at 417 N. Grand, in Enid. This event is at 9:30 pm on September 15th (2018).
Mannford, Oklahoma
Mannford Pirates – play in an at home game at 7 pm on Friday, September 14th (2018) against Bristow.
Norman, Oklahoma
Oklahoma Sooners – play in an away game against the Iowa Cyclones at 11:30 am on September 15th (2018) at Jack Trice Stadium.
Olive, Oklahoma
Olive Wildcats – will play at Copan on Friday, September 14th (2018) at 7 pm.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Sauced on Paseo – Three Act Thursday, September 13th at 7 pm at 2912 Paseo, Oklahoma City. (This is a music event.)
Chris Trapper – will play this Friday, September 14th (2018) at 8 pm, at Blue Door. The Blue Door is located at 2805 N. McKinley Avenue, in Oklahoma City.
Roy Book Binder – will play September 15th (2018) at 8 pm, at Blue Door. The Blue Door is located at 2805 N. McKinley Avenue, in Oklahoma City.
Pawnee, Oklahoma
StoneWolf Casino – located at 54251 S. 349 Road, Pawnee will be open for your gaming pleasure. Check out their website for special events online at https://www.stonewolfcasino.com/.
Pawnee Black Bears – at home against Newkirk at 7 pm on Friday, September 14th (2018).
Perkins, Oklahoma
Perkins-Tryon Demons – go up against McLoud at home in Perkins (Oklahoma) on Friday, September, 14th at 7 pm.
Stillwater, Oklahoma
Eskimos Joes – Thursday night is kids night from 5 pm – 9 pm, Joes will be serving their Buffy Kids’ Meals for just $1! Special restrictions apply!
Look for Joe & Buffy, from 6 pm – 7 pm.
Stillwater Pioneers – play football at home in Stillwater against Southmoore on September 14th at 7 pm.
Bruce Benson – will play at Zannotti’s Wine Bar 8 pm on Friday, September 14th (2018).
Casey Donahew – will be at Tumbleweed Dance Hall on Friday, September 14th (2018) from 8 pm until 11 pm.
Oklahoma State Football Watch Party – at Zannotti’s Wine Bar 10 am on Saturday, September 15th (2018).
Brewery Tours – at Iron Monk Brewery on Saturday, September 15th at 2 pm and 4 pm. Iron Monk Brewing Company, 519 S. Husband Street, Stillwater.
Melissa Hembree – will play at Zannotti’s Wine Bar 8 pm on Saturday, September 15th (2018).
Oklahoma State Cowboys – play football against Boise State at 2:30 pm. Boone Pickens Stadium Saturday, September 15th (2018).
Jake Moffat Benefit – on Sunday, September 16th (2018) from 5 pm until 7 pm. Come and go! Lost Creek United Methodist Church, 8002 S Washington.
Stroud, Oklahoma
Sac & Fox Casino – please check with the casino for their schedule of Live Music and other events for September of 2018. Sac & Fox Casino, Stroud is located at 356120 E. 926th Road (Stroud) call 918-968-2540 for more information about events that are happening you can go online to https://www.facebook.com/sacandfoxnationcasinostroud/ .
Stroud Tigers – have a bye week.
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Eskimo Joes – will have a 5K run, and a 1K fun run for kids and food trucks at River West Festival Park on Friday, September 14th (2018) from 6 pm until 10 pm. This is to help with their backpack project (out of Tulsa). To learn more about this non-profit go to https://joyinthecause.org/joy-to-the-rescue-project-kids-in-crisis/.
Chris Lee Becker – will play on Thursday at 6pm the Colony, located at 2809 S. Harvard Avenue, in Tulsa.
Begonias – will play on Thursdays at 8 pm. Soul City. Soul City is located at 1621 E. 11th, in Tulsa.
Jacob Tovar – this Thursday, September 13th (2018) at 9 pm the Colony, located at 2809 S. Harvard Avenue, in Tulsa. Interested in more information go to https://www.thecolonytulsa.com/shows.html.
Susan Herndon – will play at 5 pm on Fridays at Soul City, 1621 E. 11th, in Tulsa.
Jillian Holzbauer with Jim Watson – will play this Friday, September 14th (2018) from 5pm to 7 pm at the Colony, located at 2809 S. Harvard Avenue, in Tulsa. Interested in more information go to https://www.thecolonytulsa.com/shows.html.
Subculture Presents – will play on September 14th at 9 pm at the Venue Shrine, 112 E 18th Street, Tulsa.
Electric Billy Club – on September 14th (2018) at 9:00 pm The Blackbird on Pearl, located at 1336 E 6th Street, Tulsa (918 949-1345).
The Hydramatics – will play at 9 pm on Friday, September 14th (2018) at Soul City. Soul City is located at 1621 E. 11th, in Tulsa.
Sam Pace and the Gilded Grit – will be at the Mercury Lounge, located at 1747 South Boston Avenue, on Friday, September 14th (2018), at 10 pm.
Roots of Thought with Space 4Lease, and Bringer – will be at the Colony at 10 pm on Friday, September 14th (2018). The Colony is located at 2809 S. Harvard Avenue, in Tulsa. Interested in more information go to https://www.thecolonytulsa.com/shows.html.
Sam and Stylees – will play at 1 pm on Saturday, September 15th (2018) at Soul City. Soul City is located at 1621 E. 11th, in Tulsa.
Tulsa Golden Hurricane – play against Arkansas State Red Wolves at 6 pm on Saturday, September 15th (2018).
Neon Dreams – on September 15th (2018) at 6:00 pm The Blackbird on Pearl, located at 1336 E 6th Street, Tulsa (918 949-1345).
Killing Katie – will play on September 15th at 8 pm at the Venue Shrine, 112 E 18th Street, Tulsa.
Randy Brumley Band – will play at 9 pm on September 15th (2018) at Soul City, 1621 E. 11th, in Tulsa.
Fabulous Minx, North by North, and Girls Club – will play this Saturday, September 15th (2018) at 10 pm. The Colony, located at 2809 S. Harvard Avenue, in Tulsa.
Burn County BBQ Brunch – doors open at 10 am the brunch ends at 1 pm. Brunch Buffet at the Cain’s Ballroom, located at 423 N Main Street, Tulsa.
Singer Song Writer – open mic at 5:30 pm on Sunday, September 16th (2018) at The Colony, located at 2809 S. Harvard Avenue, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Interested in more information go to https://www.thecolonytulsa.com/shows.html.
Bruner & Eicher – will play at 6:30 pm on Sundays at Soul City, 1621 E. 11th, in Tulsa.
Paul Benjaman – will be at the Colony for his Sunday Nite Thing at 10 pm. The Colony is located at 2809 S. Harvard Avenue, in Tulsa.
Yale, Oklahoma
Yale Bulldogs – play against Pioneer at home 7 pm on Friday, September 14th (2018).
Tour the Jim Thorpe Home – located at 706 E. Boston in Yale. It is the home of the 1912 Olympian Jim Thorpe. Admission is Free. Call 918-387-2815 for times and information.