(Cushing, Okla.) Here are just a few of the events in and around the surrounding area that you may enjoy.
2/9/19 – Benefit concert for Bruce McCullough featuring Giakob Lee, opening for Charlie Hickman Band. All ages welcome. Admission is $10 at the door. All proceeds go to the McCullough family to help with expenses. https://www.facebook.com/events/242784139968547/
2/10/19 – Burlap & Bling Jewelry Auction from 2pm-4pm at the First United Methodist Church (Corner of 9th & Little). Snacks will be provided. Bring quarters for bidding. Admission $15. All proceeds will benefit Project Graduation of Cushing.
2/9/19 – Valentine Sweetheart Dinner at 6:00pm, Route 66 Interpretive Center, 400 E. Hwy 66. Tickets are $25 and may be purchased at BancFirst of Stroud or by calling Delbert Humphries at 918-290-0814. Enjoy an evening of delicious food, lots of fun, door prizes and a live auction! Some of the auction items available are: Jewelry by Kendra Scott, Lincoln County On Stage membership, Thunder Suite tickets and much more. Proceeds will go to Relay For Life of Lincoln County.
2/10/19 – Second Sunday Poetry at Tidwater Winery. Each month, a different poet is featured. This event is open to the public. https://www.facebook.com/events/604265133342473/
2/10/19 – The Music in My Life: It’s My Birthday! The Things I’ve Learned. 7:30pm-9:30pm. As part of the School of Music’s Faculty Artist Concert Series, Sandra Thompson, D.M.A., professor of music presents, “The Music in My Life: It’s My Birthday! The Things I’ve Learned”. The event will consist of famous show tunes and song classics like “Route 66,” by jazz pianist Bobby Troup and “You’ve a Got a Friend,” by singer-songwriter Carole King. Proceeds from the FACS generate scholarship funds to support UCO School of Music students. Tickets are free for students with a valid UCO ID and $10 for all others. Tickets may be purchased at the door, online at www.centralconnection.org/facs or by calling 405-974-5004. https://www.facebook.com/events/257020328412811/
2/8/19 – Matt Moran live at The Spot. https://www.facebook.com/events/392820591479020/
2/9/19 – Rugged Grace at The Spot. https://www.facebook.com/events/407120460094456/
2/9/19 – Angel Delight Bakery & Eatery, 417 S. Washington from 1pm-3pm. $3 admission includes treats, crafts and a tour of the Railroad Museum of Oklahoma. All proceeds go toward the purchase of the “Watermelon Express” https://www.facebook.com/events/288428745160989/
2/9/19 – Karaoke hosted by Red Hill Tavern, 415 S. Van Buren Street, starting at 8pm.
2/9/19 – Resolution Fight Night – World Boxing Council Belt Fight in Muskogee at the Muskogee Civic Center. Doors open at 5:30pm. Pre-fights at 6:00pm. Fights start at 7:00pm. https://www.ticketstorm.com/event/resolutionfightnightworldboxingcouncilbeltfightinmuskogee/muskogeeciviccenter/muskogee/22311/
2/8/19 – Carter Sampson & Jared Tyler – The Blue Door. Tickets available at www.ticketsorm.com https://www.facebook.com/events/1509135639220457/
2/9/19 – 3rd Annual Stage Right Mic Night 7pm-8:30pm – Pawnee High School Auditorium, 615 Denver. Lots of variety; lots of talent! This event features performers of all ages showcasing their special entertainment skills. Fun night for the whole family! Admission is only $5 for adults and $3 for students https://www.facebook.com/events/275426803140632/
2/9/19 – Daddy-Daughter Sweetheart Dance 4pm-8:30pm at the Vassar Community Center. The Parks and Recreation Department is hosting a Daddy-Daughter Sweetheart Dance. Bring your little beauties out to enjoy music, refreshments, and DANCING! Tickets are $25 per couple and $10 per additional Child. Daddy Daughter will have 2 dances 4pm-6pm for kids 0 to 7 years old and 6:30-8:30pm for 8 and up. The ages are a general guideline to give more couples to dance. https://www.facebook.com/events/288502265188296/
2/9/19 – SFA Gal-N-Tines Tea Party, Hosted by Stillwater First Assembly, 102 S. Lewis Street Ladies’ Valentine’s tea party. Ladies & girls of all ages are welcome! https://www.facebook.com/events/2249281168726025/
2/9/19 – Richelle Sigrist at Iron Monk, 519 S. Husband. https://www.facebook.com/events/2262033383814967/
2/8/19-2/9/19 – A Night at the Opera hosted by Oklahoma State Symphony Orchestra 7:30-9:30pm. Tickets available at music.okstate.edu https://www.facebook.com/events/602429766842237/?event_time_id=602429770175570
2/9/19 – Candle Making hosted by the Stillwater History Museum at the Sheerar. Children of all ages are welcome. Free to the public. Drop in anytime between 1pm and 4pm. https://www.facebook.com/events/1996342670669153/
2/9/19 – 2nd Saturdays are all about creativity, crafting and engaging with the exhibitions on view. This event will celebrate themes found in the exhibition “Washed Up.”Preview of activities: – Design Challenge: guests can create prototype solutions for real-world problems
– DIY Reusable-Bag: guests can bring old t-shirts to create their own reusable bags. No sewing necessary!
– Planet Protection: guests can make posters/badges out of recycled materials
This event is free & open to the public. Fun for all ages and abilities.
“Washed Up” is on view until March 9.
For more information, visit https://museum.okstate.edu/calendar/2nd-saturday-14
2/8/19 – Happy Hour with Adrienne Gilley. The Colony from 6pm-8pm https://www.facebook.com/events/355863155253539/?event_time_id=355863158586872
2/9/19 – Please help replenish the state’s blood supply by donating this Saturday at the Yale Fire & Police Blood Drive from 10am-2pm. You can schedule an appointment at obi.org call 1-877-340-8777. All donors will receive a t-shirt and a free sopapilla from Chavez’s Mexican Restaurant.