(Cushing, Okla.) The following information is based on a preliminary collision report furnished by the Department of Public Safety (DPS).
A personal injury collision occurred on September 16th (2018) at approximately 6:51 am, northbound on US81, about 1/10 of a mile south of E660 road, and approximately 3 miles south of Hennessey, in Kingfisher County.
Rigoberto Solis Bustillos, (45) of Hennessey, was driving a 2013 Chrysler 300, and Jack Roy Miller, (56) of Tryon, was driving a 2018 Peterbilt. Both of the vehicles were northbound on US81 when the Peterbilt slowed to make a right turn onto E660 road and was struck by the Chrysler 300 in the rear.
Bustillos was taken by Life EMS to Bass Baptist Health Center (Enid) where he was admitted. Miller was not injured.
Some seat-belts were in use according to the DPS report.