By: Patti Weaver

(Stillwater, Okla.) — A Stillwater woman — on probation for possessing methamphetamine with intent to distribute on two different occasions in 2017 when she lived in Cushing — has been jailed on $50,000 bail pending her arraignment today on her third charge of possessing methamphetamine with intent to distribute.

Kelsi Ann Elliott, 32, was a back seat passenger in a pickup truck during a traffic stop at 800 S. Perkins Road in Stillwater at about 10 pm on Jan. 15, Stillwater Police Officer Damian Neiswanger wrote in an affidavit that was filed with the charge last week.

“I noticed that the female in the back seat was visibly nervous and was speaking quietly and not making eye contact,” which is common with someone being deceptive, the officer wrote in his affidavit.

The driver said that he only knew Elliott and her boyfriend for a few weeks and just gave them rides, the affidavit alleged.

When the officer told the driver that Elliott had a history of drug possession and asked if he knew if the couple could have narcotics on them, the driver said “he did not know and that they better not because he did not want to get in trouble,” the affidavit alleged. The driver consented to a search of his vehicle, the affidavit alleged.

“I located a black container wrapped in electrical tape on the floorboard where Kelsi (Elliott) was sitting,” which had multiple baggies containing a crystalline substance consistent with methamphetamine, the officer alleged in his affidavit.

Her boyfriend told the officer, “Kelsi had been using methamphetamine on and off for the last year, and she is supposed to go to rehab in the near future,” the affidavit alleged.

After denying the container was hers, “Kelsi began crying and I told her that she had just made a mistake and that it was not the end of the world,” the officer wrote in his affidavit.

“I asked Kelsi about it again and she said that she just messed up, and that she went to court today and was now a drug court client. Kelsi also mentioned to me that she had a few other possession with intent cases on her,” the officer alleged in his affidavit.

After Elliott was arrested, the driver and other two occupants of the pickup were released from custody, the affidavit said.

The container’s substance field-tested as methamphetamine, the affidavit alleged. The substance weighed approximately 8.1 grams in its packaging, the affidavit alleged.
