By Patti Weaver
(Stillwater, Okla.) — A reputed member of the Irish Mob prison gang and his alleged associate have been ordered to appear in court on Oct. 2 on a felony charge of illegally removing the body of a slain man, who was shot in the head on the east side of Stillwater, according to court documents.
When the Stillwater men were arrested last month, they were jailed pending the filing of homicide charges, but both were only charged last week with unlawful removal of a dead body from the initial site of death.
The younger defendant, Troy Allin Driskel, 28, said that John Thomas Helfrick Jr., 31, an ex-convict, “threatened to kill him if he told anyone about the shooting,” of Driskel’s former roommate, Dylan James Lee Lewis, 28, of Stillwater, who had no identification on him when his body was found, Stillwater police detectives alleged in affidavits.
Driskel remains jailed on $25,000 bail, which was reduced from $150,000 last week. Since Driskel has only one prior felony conviction for third-degree burglary in Stillwater in 2021 for which he was given five years’ probation, he only faces a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison on conviction.
Helfrick, who was recently released from prison after serving time on prior felony convictions including drug, gun and property crimes, remains jailed on $50,000 bail, which was reduced from $200,000 last week. Due to his criminal record, Helfrick could be given as much as a life sentence if convicted.
The victim’s body was found in a tree line just south of the roadway in the 400 block of S. Drury at about 10:23 am on July 21 by a woman driving home, Stillwater Police Detective Josh Carson wrote in an affidavit.
She said, “she walked up there because she was CPR certified and wanted to help the person if they were alive,” but she could clearly see that the man was deceased and called police, the affidavit said.
While waiting for more investigators to arrive, the detective “observed a large amount of coagulated blood on the east curb line directly east of the body,” according to his affidavit. “Several spots of blood and an obvious drag mark across the roadway was observed with more blood spots found in the grass leading to the body,” the affidavit said.
The victim was identified by his cell phone that was found northeast of his body, the affidavit said.
“Several Facebook messages, voice messages, and phone calls were made during the night and previous day to a male identified as Troy Allin Driskel. The messages were threatening, and both parties appeared to be engaged in an ongoing conflict,” the affidavit alleged.
Driskel was arrested about 10 hours later at 8:20 pm at a relative’s residence, court records show.
“Troy (Driskel) told me he was living on and off at 2900 E. 6 with Dylan Lewis. Troy stated he began arguing recently with Dylan over money and acquiring his belongings from the trailer,” the detective alleged in his affidavit.
“On 7/21/23, Troy told me Dylan threatened to destroy all of his belongings in the house. Troy said he agreed to meet Dylan for a physical fight and to gather his belongings. Troy told me he was afraid Dylan would have friends/backup with him that would jump in during the fight and hurt him — so he took a male he identified as John Thomas Helfrick Jr. to have his side during the fight.
“I know John Helfrick from previous encounters and know he was recently released from prison and has previous charges for weapons possession and burglary. John is an Irish Mob gang member,” the detective alleged in his affidavit.
“Troy told me he walked with John to 2900 E. 6. Troy told me when he saw Dylan, they both started rapidly walking toward one another and started physically fighting. Troy stated (John) Helfrick stayed on the other side of the road when the fight began.
“Troy told me the fight ended up on the ground, and he was on top of Dylan when Helfrick stepped in and started punching Dylan in the face as he was lying on his back. Troy stated he saw Dylan reach down and appear to be drawing a gun when he heard the sound of gunfire.
“Troy told me he knows Dylan to carry a 9 mm semi-automatic handgun. Troy told me during their friendship he has seen the gun on several occasions and handled the gun as recently as three days prior to this event.
“Troy said upon hearing the gunshot, he quickly got up and saw a large amount of blood coming from Dylan’s head. Troy said he began to panic, and Helfrick ordered him to drag the body to the tree line west of Drury. Troy told me he drug Dylan’s body across the street to the edge of the wood line before becoming too tired to continue.
“Troy told me Helfrick had the gun in his hand, and he watched as he wiped it down and threw it west into the thick woods west of Dylan’s body. Troy told me they fled the scene and ran to an abandoned trailer. Troy said Helfrick made him change his clothes to get rid of any evidence,” the detective alleged in his affidavit.
“Troy told me Helfrick contacted (a relative) and she arrived on scene,” before driving them to a location from which they walked to another spot where they spent the morning with Helfrick’s girlfriend, the detective alleged in his affidavit.
“Troy said Helfrick broke his cell phone to destroy any potential evidence and he left his shoes at (Helfrick’s girlfriend’s) apartment,” which he left around noon before arriving at a relative’s house where he stayed until he was arrested, the affidavit alleged.
“Troy told me multiple times during the interview Helfrick threatened to kill him if he told anyone about the shooting,” the detective alleged in his affidavit.
While the detective was interviewing Helfrick’s girlfriend, “I heard Sgt. Savory state Helfrick just rode up to the apartment on a bike,” his affidavit said.
“I immediately observed fresh scratches and bruising up Helfrick’s arms, on his hands and knuckles, consistent with physically fighting on a hard surface,” the detective alleged in his affidavit.
“Helfrick acknowledged being at 2900 E. 6 with Troy and being present during the altercation. Helfrick acknowledged the gun and the gun being shot. Helfrick said the gun was thrown into the woods. I continued to talk to Helfrick in an attempt to get the details of the incident, but he asked for an attorney during the conversation,” the detective alleged in his affidavit. “Blood splatter and blood drops were observed on his shoes and clothing,” during the jail booking process, the affidavit alleged.
According to an affidavit by Stillwater Police Detective Sgt. Sherae LeJeune, on the day that he was slain, “At approximately 1:30 am, Dylan video-recorded himself wearing the same clothing he was found deceased in. He covered his head with the black draw string bag we located in the trash.
“Dylan showed off a black semi-automatic firearm that was strapped to his ankle with the rope and cordage. He said he has been wearing his socks over his shoes and carries the gun ‘just in case.’ Dylan pulled a red bandanna over his face to show how he conceals his identity.
“Around 2:35 am, Dylan sent Troy a video panning the area where he was waiting for Troy’s arrival. This was the same area within the 400 block of S. Drury St where Dylan was located dead. Troy replied at 2:51 am saying he will be there soon.”
Both defendants “were located and arrested within 24 hours for their involvement in the murder,” the affidavit alleged.