(Stillwater, Okla.) – A Stillwater man was charged today with possessing the drugs marijuana and crack cocaine with intent to distribute in Stillwater on May 18 – the day after he appeared in court on a misdemeanor marijuana charge.
    If convicted of his new charge, James Edward Badon, 48, who remains jailed on $25,000 bail, could be sentenced to five years to life in prison and given a $100,000 fine, court records show.
    Badon has been scheduled to be arraigned this afternoon from the Payne County Jail on his felony drug charge, court records show.
    Last year, while Badon lived in Perry, he was charged with misdemeanor possession of marijuana in Stillwater on May 4, 2017, during a sobriety checkpoint at 6th and Sangre Roads where he was a passenger in a vehicle whose driver was arrested for suspected drunk driving, court records show.
    Badon appeared in Payne County District Court on his marijuana charge on May 17 and was ordered to return to court on June 20 with an attorney, court records show.
    If convicted of his 2017 misdemeanor marijuana charge, Badon could be given a one-year jail term and a $1,000 fine.