By Patti Weaver
(Stillwater, Okla.) — A 31-year-old Stillwater man, who previously lived in Pawnee County, has been jailed on $75,000 bail pending an April 1 court appearance on a charge of molesting a 14-year-old when he stayed in the youth’s home in rural Payne County.
If convicted of having sexual contact with the youth between Feb. 1 and March 8, Michael Anthony Schmidt could be imprisoned for three to 20 years, according to the Payne County charge filed last week.
Schmidt was arrested on March 11 by Payne County Sheriff’s Investigator Tomm Edwards, who asked him if he knew why he was in the sheriff’s office to speak to him, an affidavit alleged.
“Schmidt stated that ‘he asked a 14-year-old if he could mess with (the youth),"” the affidavit alleged.
Schmidt said he has known the youth for about seven years, the affidavit alleged.
“Schmidt stated that he sometimes would sleep on the couch and that sometimes he would sleep in the bed,” with the youth, the affidavit alleged.
Schmidt said that he performed a sexual act on the youth when he lived with the 14-year-old and the youth’s parents in a trailer in rural Oklahoma, the affidavit alleged.
“Schmidt stated that he told the 14-year-old he wanted to stop because he knew it was wrong and he wanted to get back in the church,” the affidavit alleged.
A Payne County judge told Schmidt that special conditions of his bail are that he have no contact with the 14-year-old or anyone under the age of 18, court records show.