By Patti Weaver


  (Stillwater, Okla.) — A 30-year-old Stillwater man has been jailed on $10,000 bail pending an April 3 court appearance on felony charges of assaulting two female medical providers at Grand Mental Health where he was a client.
    If convicted of spitting on one provider as well as punching her in the leg and spitting on another provider, Christian Lee McClellan could be given a two-year prison term and a $2,000 fine, court records show.
    McClellan was arrested at 12:54 pm on March 11 at the Stillwater Medical Center where he was being treated for a head injury suffered during the altercation, according to an affidavit by Stillwater Police Officer William Cluck, who had been earlier sent to Grand Mental Health.
    “I was told that Christian McClellan was a client and trying to leave the facility. McClellan became upset and aggressive when he was told he had not completed the proper steps to check out. McClellan was warned that if he continued to be aggressive with staff he would be placed in a hold and sedated,” the officer alleged in his affidavit.
    “McClellan continued to be aggressive and began fighting with staff when they tried to hold him down. During the altercation, McClellan punched (one provider) in the legs. McClellan spit in (her) face and (another provider’s) face,” the affidavit alleged.
    When the officer talked to McClellan, he acknowledged “that he was involved in an altercation with staff but stated the staff started it. McClellan denied spitting, but stated he drools a lot and sometimes spits when he talks.
McClellan seemed coherent enough to answer questions and seemed to know what he was doing,” the affidavit alleged.