By Patti Weaver


    (Stillwater, Okla.) — A 35-year-old Stillwater man accused of sexually abusing a 4-year-old while a 2-year-old was in the same room has been jailed on $100,000 bail pending an April 3 court appearance on a two-count felony charge.
    If convicted of child sexual abuse of the 4-year-old and failing to protect the 2-year-old from exposure to sexual acts, Steven Zackariah Kittle could be given two life prison terms, according to court documents filed last week.
    Kittle was arrested at his residence on March 1 by Stillwater Police Detective Mary Kellison after the 4-year-old was interviewed at the Saville Center following a disclosure to a relative, an affidavit alleged.
    During a jail interview on March 1, Kittle told the detective, “I was hoping it would never come out and get to this point,” the affidavit alleged.
    Kittle confessed to telling the 4-year-old not to tell anyone what happened, the affidavit alleged.
    Kittle disclosed that the sexual acts occurred after Feb. 3 and before the children were dropped off at a relative’s house on Feb. 23, the affidavit alleged.