Media release


(Stillwater, OK) — The Stillwater Animal Welfare (SAW) operates at maximum capacity every day with only 26 total dog kennels, however, with more than 40 dogs currently, they are now at a critically high capacity level and are requesting adoption efforts from the public.


“We cannot maintain our ‘no-kill facility’ status with the amount of animals being brought in on a daily basis now. The adoption rate is low and the number of surrenders is up. The last thing we want to do is euthanize healthy animals due to lack of space,” said Animal Welfare Director Rachel Wasserman.


SAW officers continuously increase education efforts to help with animal adoptions and training and to mitigate over-population in the community. Wasserman explained that dogs are often surrendered due to owners not aware of how to house train and/or lack of available time with their animals.


“We currently have dogs in crates, cat cages, and in our office. Many of the dogs are in their holding spaces for much of the day due to employees constantly cleaning these areas. We are in desperate need of adoptions and volunteers. This crisis is one that requires a community solution,” added Wasserman.


There are many upcoming adoption events scheduled to introduce available pets to prospective owners.


Upcoming events:

  • March 18, 1-3 p.m.: Dog adoption event at Sonic on Perkins Road
  • March 26, 1-3 p.m.: Dog adoption event at Renaissance of Stillwater on McElroy Road
  • March 28, 2-5 p.m.: Dog adoption event at Bluepeak on Main Street
  • April 30, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.: Low-cost vaccine clinic for the public in the parking lot at 707 E. 8th Avenue