By: Patti Weaver

(Stillwater, Okla.) — A first-degree rape charge has been dropped by the prosecution against a former Stillwater man, who then pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and battery of a woman, court records show.

Luke Weston Harrison, 25, who has a college degree and now lives in Binger, is serving a 30-day jail term that he was given last week on the reduced charge.

Harrison, who had been free on $50,000 bail since his arrest two years ago, was ordered to report to the jail last week by Associate District Judge Stephen Kistler as a condition of a seven-year deferred sentence, which was negotiated by prosecutor Debra Vincent and defense attorney Corey Brennan, court records show.

Harrison was ordered to have no contact with the victim, perform 75 hours of community service, and pay the cost of his incarceration along with $1,641 and court costs, records show.

Two years ago while he was living at The Reserve, Harrison was accused of sexually assaulting an intoxicated unconscious woman after a poolside birthday party at the apartment complex at 1822 N. Perkins Road, court records show.

If Harrison had been convicted of first-degree rape of the woman while she was unconscious and unable to consent to a sexual act, Harrison could have been given a prison term of five years to life without parole, court records show.

Since Harrison was given a deferred sentence for aggravated assault and battery, he will not have a criminal record if he successfully completes his probationary period.

The woman, who said she had at least two drinks containing liquor, said “she started feeling very tired and drowsy at the pool,” during a May 6, 2017, birthday party at The Reserve, Stillwater Police Investigator Kyle Bruce wrote in an affidavit.

She remembered that Harrison and her female roommate helped her back to her apartment, the affidavit said. She said “she was not in a relationship with Luke (Harrison) and did not know him well,” or consent to any sexual activity, the affidavit alleged.

Her roommate said that she was in her own restroom when she heard a loud crash coming from the woman’s room, the affidavit alleged.

When the roommate went to investigate, she saw that Harrison was kissing the woman and she was concerned due to the woman’s ” extreme level of intoxication,” the affidavit alleged.

A few minutes later after the roommate called a friend to get advice, she said she saw Harrison without a shirt in the kitchen area, yelled at him and demanded that he leave the apartment, the affidavit alleged.

When the roommate went into the bedroom of the unconscious woman, who was partially naked, she did not respond to nudging or shouting from her or her female friend, the affidavit alleged.

The woman was taken to the Stillwater Medical Center emergency room by her roommate and the roommate’s boyfriend, the affidavit said.

During a sexual assault examination, the nurse noted “trauma found on the physical exam and trauma found on the genitalia exam,” the affidavit alleged.

DNA swabs were collected from Harrison on a judge’s order, the affidavit said.

An Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation criminalist reported, “the only contributor of the Y chromosome could be a male from the paternal side of Luke Harrison’s family,” the affidavit alleged.

“I asked (her) if a male from the paternal side of Luke’s family had touched her in the vaginal, anal, genitalia or oral area of her body; (she) said no,” the investigator wrote in his affidavit.

In his written guilty plea, Harrison only admitted to having thrown “a person, who was at the time incapacitated, against a metal bed frame with the intent to cause her injury,” court records show.
