Media release


STILLWATER, Okla. – The Payne County Health Department is seeking public feedback on a community health
survey to help guide future public health goals and initiatives for Payne County residents.  The community health assessment survey will be conducted online; however, for those without internet access, a paper copy can be provided.

“We are excited to start this community health assessment. The information we get from this will show the strengths and weaknesses in our community’s health, and the information we gather will help us identify the needs and concerns in our communities,” said Kelli Rader, Regional Administrative Director for District 3, which includes Creek, Kay, Lincoln, Noble, Osage, Pawnee and Payne Counties.

Click here to take the online survey (approx. 15 minutes). A paper copy can be provided for those without
internet access.

In addition to the survey, the community health assessment will include working with community partners, holding focus groups and gathering other data. For more information, contact the Payne County Health Department at (405) 372-8200.

The Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) protects and improves public health through its system of local health services and strategies focused on preventing disease. OSDH provides technical support and guidance to 68 county health departments in Oklahoma, as well as guidance and consultation to the two independent city-county health departments in Oklahoma City and Tulsa. Learn more at