By Patti Weaver
(Stillwater, Okla.) — A 68-year-old Yale man has been ordered to appear in court on April 28 for a pre-trial hearing on a felony charge of indecent exposure that allegedly occurred while he was in a pickup in the Cushing Walmart parking lot.
Jeffery Lyn Harris was arrested at 9:04 pm on June 13, 2022, seven minutes after Cushing Police Officers Alex Gegen and Sgt. Carson Watts were dispatched to the parking lot where the defendant was in a pickup in the 12th row, close to the building, an affidavit said.
“Upon reaching the passenger door, I observed a male looking at a phone that was in his left hand with what appeared to be some type of pornography,” while fondling himself with his right hand, Officer Gegen alleged in his affidavit.
“It should be noted that there were multiple vehicles in the parking lot with multiple people walking around,” the affidavit said.
After being arrested, “When Harris stepped out of the vehicle, his penis was still out of his clothes and visible to both officers. He was then covered up,” the affidavit alleged.
A woman said, “there were five individuals who had seen Harris in his vehicle touching himself, two of which were juveniles (16 and 14 years old),” the affidavit alleged.
Another woman said, “she was able to record Harris while he was in his vehicle,” and showed the officer a video of the incident, the affidavit alleged.
After Harris waived his right to a preliminary hearing, he was ordered to stand trial on the charge punishable on conviction with 30 days to 10 years in prison, court records show.
Harris was jailed for nearly a month before he was released on $5,000 bail on July 11, 2022, court records show.
Harris had previously been given probation for possessing marijuana within 1,000 feet of a park in 2013, and furnishing alcohol to a minor in 1999, court records show.