KUSH Announcement
(Cushing, Okla) — KUSH 1600 AM is proud to announce that we are now simulcasting all of our great programming on 101.5 FM!
After the FCC opened up the opportunity to install a medium-power transmitter on FM, KUSH applied and was approved, subject to certain conditions which included using our existing 200 ft. AM tower. Unfortunately that didn’t work out when professional tower climbers didn’t think much of the 1953 “stamp” on our tower. We considered several options, but the only real solution seemed to be a new tower. Since the one we have isn’t broken and we are able to use it for AM broadcasts with no problem, we moved to apply for a “Plan B,” which involved a shorter tower to get KUSH FM on the air. Because of the shorter tower, we will have a somewhat more limited reach. However, we are able to serve Cushing and the immediate area 24/7 – in stereo on 101.5 FM.
The work is finished and as of now, we are able to provide a simulcast of all of our programming on 101.5 FM.
We still have a few kinks to work out, but we are committed to improving your listening experience – whether it be on AM, FM or via our audio streaming Listen Live and tunein links found on our websites www.1600kush.com and www.stillwaternews.net. We guarantee there’s nothing else out there quite like THE KUSH!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from your hometown radio station!