A visit to Cushing Regional Hospital’s C.A.R.E. meeting led one local gentleman to donate the balance needed to fund the construction of the new George R. Smith, MD Memorial Chapel.

During his morning respiratory session, Mr. Tom Howenstine, Jr. was encourged by Kerri Marks to attend the hospital’s monthly C.A.R.E. meeting. Mr. Howenstine accepted the invitation and listened as Dan Wilson spoke of the spiritual needs of the patients in Cushing Regional Hospital. Also speaking at the meeting was CRH Foundation director Marian Shiever. Shiever relayed information about the importance of the chapel being completed through private donations. Shiever went on to say what the total construction cost of the Chapel was as well as the remaining balance. Little did they know that Howenstine was becoming more and more interested in the project.

The following week, Mr. Howenstine came to Shiever’s office to inquire further about the chapel. During their conversation, he asked how much was needed to pay to have the construction completed. At that point he wrote a check for $10,000 to cover the balance needed. Mr. Howenstine also spoke of his new friendships that had been established through Kerri Marks and the Senior Focus sessions as well as the C.A.R.E. meeting.

It is because of the generosity of contributors such as Mr. Howenstine that the George R. Smith, MD Chapel can be completed.
