By Patti Weaver


  (Stillwater, Okla.) — An ex-convict from Glencoe accused of attempting to elude Perkins Police Lt. Chris Wooten from Highway 33 and Main Street in Perkins to 68th and Sangre Road in rural Stillwater has been released from the Payne County Jail on $50,000 bail pending a Feb. 5 court appearance on a six-count charge including drunk driving a vehicle with an expired tag on a suspended license while transporting an opened container of vodka and resisting arrest.
    Marty Lee Woodruff, 37, who has prior convictions for child abuse, animal cruelty, domestic violence, attacking a police officer, violating a protective order and possessing drugs along with stolen property, had gotten out of prison eight months ago, state Department of Corrections records show.
    Woodruff was arrested on Jan. 16 at 7:38 pm, about 28 minutes after the Perkins police lieutenant attempted a traffic stop of a station wagon that traveled about 95 mph while westbound on Highway 33 before being abandoned at 68th and Sangre Road, an affidavit alleged. Woodruff’s vehicle had narrowly missed striking other vehicles and a pedestrian, an affidavit alleged.
    “I was able to locate footprints in the snow that led towards the north into a wooded area. As I approached the creek, Deputy Pruitt and I heard someone yell across the creek that was to the west. Deputy Pruitt announced Sheriff’s Office towards the individual yelling. As Woodruff approached us, I placed him in handcuffs and escorted him back towards our patrol cars,” Lt. Wooten alleged in his affidavit.
    “While continuing to escort Woodruff, he became combative and extremely uncooperative. Deputy Pruitt and Trooper Long assisted with escorting Woodruff to Perkins Police Sgt. Spencer Gedon’s patrol car,” which transported Woodruff to the Payne County Jail, the affidavit alleged.
    During an inventory of Woodruff’s vehicle, an open bottle of vodka with about a quarter of liquor left inside was found in the center console where an empty THC bottle with Woodruff’s name was also located, the affidavit alleged.
    “Trooper Long stated while he spoke with Woodruff, he stated that the vodka bottle inside the vehicle was his,” the affidavit alleged.