(Cushing, Okla.)  The regular meeting of Independent School District No. 1067, Payne County, will be held Thursday, Oct. 9th at 7 p.m. in the Cushing Schools Administrative Offices Board Room, 1401 N. Little Street.

Highlights include the consideration and action on a resolution calling for the annual School Board Election for Seat Number 5 and the consideration and action on a request from the high school to open a Business Professionals of America activity account for the Business and Information Technology class.

Superintendent Koln Knight will also give his Superintendent report, Stroud litigation report, and a capital improvements and construction update.

In executive session, the Board will discuss personnel resignations and hirings. The Board will then return to Open Session to vote.

A study session will be held at 6 p.m. prior to the regular meeting. Meeting is open to the public.


President’s Call to Order – Shawn Hubble

Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer


Oral: Consider and take action on appointment of Deputy Minutes Clerk, Janice Cooper, in the absence of Linda Davis, Minutes Clerk

1. Action on Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 8, 2014


General Fund #11

Encumbrance Nos. 333-406, Inc.: 70275-70281, Inc.           $110,780.68

CoOp Fund #12

Encumbrance Nos. 24-32, Inc.                                              $ 4,694.65

Building Fund #21

Encumbrance Nos. 29-31, Inc.                                               $ 7,109.74

Child Nutrition Fund #22

Encumbrance Nos. 31-59                                                     $ 87,489.64

Bond Fund #35

Encumbrance No. (None)

                                                                              Total: $ 210,074.71

2. Consider and take action on Resolution Calling for Annual School Board Election for Seat Number 5.  – Koln Knight

3. Consider and take action on a request from the high school to open a Business Professionals of America activity account for the Business and Information Technology class. – Koln Knight

REPORTSOral Superintendent’s Report  –  Koln Knight

Oral Stroud Litigation Report  –  Koln Knight

Oral Capital improvements – construction update   –  Koln Knight

Handout Bank of Oklahoma bond issue disbursements for construction/renovation projects   – Koln Knight

4. Enrollment Report  –  Koln Knight

5. Activity Fund Reports – Central Office, Middle School, High School   – Koln Knight

Oral Budget Report  – Koln Knight

6. Treasurer’s Report  – Koln Knight

Vote to convene in Executive Session to:Discuss so board can return to Open Session and vote to approve/disapprove the resignations of the following: 25 O.S. 307(B)(1) 1. Andrea Delehoy – Custodian 2. Stacy Bogle – CHS Secretary

Discuss so board can return to Open Session and vote to approve/disapprove the employment of the following: 25 O.S. 307(B)(1) 1. Sue Samuels – Custodian 2. Paul Gayetty – Custodian

Discussion of possible purchase, sale, and appraisal of rel property: 25 O.S. 307(B)(3)

Return to Open Session

Executive Session Compliance Announcement

Vote to approve/disapprove the employment and resignations of the ones listed

Vote to adjourn

This notice was posted on the front window of the Office of the Superintendent, 1401 North Little Avenue, Cushing, OK, on the 6th day of October, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. by Janice Cooper, Secretary, Cushing Public Schools, Payne County, District I-067.




