By Patti Weaver


    (Stillwater, Okla.) — A 35-year-old Cushing man accused of attempting to set fire to his residence in the 1200 block of E. Cherry Street has been jailed on $5,000 bail pending a May 1 court appearance at which he can seek a preliminary hearing on the felony charge.
    If convicted of fourth-degree arson, Matthew Lee Hale could be given up to a 10-year prison term and a $5,000 fine, court records show.
    Hale was arrested by Cushing Police Officer Alex Austin Gegen at 2:26 pm on April 12 at the residence, which is owned by a relative of Hale, court records show.
    “When I arrived, I observed a red gasoline can sitting in the roadway directly in front of the residence,” the officer alleged in his affidavit.
    “Upon arrival, Hale exited a van that was parked in the yard. Hale was sat on a curb due to the smell of gasoline on him, where he sat with Officer Carpenter,” the affidavit said.
    His relative said, “she wanted her house key back before him leaving.
    “She advised she went into his room and found two bags of ‘pot.’ She said she opened the bags while she was outside, and the pot blew away.
    “She stated he slung the gas can. She stated he was pouring gas towards the back,” where there was a smell of gasoline, the officer alleged in his affidavit.
    “She stated that no one was inside at the time,” the affidavit alleged.
    After showing where Hale poured the gasoline, “She said that Hale stated, ‘I’ll burn this mother down.’
    “She advised she did not know if the gasoline got onto the house,” the affidavit alleged.
    When Cushing Police Officer Cody Carpenter read Hale his Miranda rights, “Hale advised he did not speak English,” the affidavit alleged.