(Cushing, Okla)  The Cushing Alumni Association is gearing up for the 33rd Annual All-Class Reunion.  They are kicking off the annual event with a fun game – TIGEROPOLY – designed to encourage visitors and locals to visit local businesses.  The TIGEROPOLY board is featured on the center pages of the souvenir Oiler found in participating, as well as other businesses, in the area.


  1. Visit as many of the local businesses on the game board as  you can and ask to have them put a sticker on your game board.
  2. Drop your completed TIGEROPOLY board at the CHS Alumni Hall on Friday, May 25 or Saturday, May 26, between the hours of 10 am and 3 pm.
  3. The person with the most stickers will win a $250 Gift Card generously donated by ABOUT FACE PHOTOBOOTH.
  4. In case of a tie, persons having the most stamps will be entered in a drawing.  The winner will be announced at the All-Class Reunion Mixer on Saturday, May 26, 7 pm, at Buffalo Rock Golf & Gun.
  5. You need not be present to win.
  6. You don’t have to be CHS alumni to play.



FRIDAY, May 25

The Alumni Hall in downtown Cushing will be open Friday, 10 am – 3:30 pm for folks to come by, reconnect with old friends and former classmates, and check out the displays of class and sports memorabilia.  Refreshments will be provided.

Several individual classes will be holding their own events Friday evening.



7 – 10 am – Cushing Lion’s Club Annual Pancake Breakfast

It’s always good to start off the day with a tasty breakfast, but it’s even better to start the day with great food and the opportunity to visit with people you may not have seen in a while!  The Cushing Lion’s Club Pancake Breakfast will be held at the First Christian Church located at 300 E. Moses.  Only $5 per person for all you can eat!


11 am – 2 pm – Alumni Burger Fry

The Alumni Association is raising money for the repair of the ceiling in the Alumni Hall by selling hamburgers in Centennial Park.  For a mere $5 you get a burger, bag of chips and a drink.  Sit a spell at one of the tables set up in Centennial Park and enjoy a fresh cooked hamburger!


1pm – Parade

Parade entries will begin lining up at the train depot located on the west end of Broadway in downtown Cushing at approximately 12:30 pm to prepare for the parade.  The parade starts at 1 o’clock and will feature class floats, Hall of Fame inductees, classic cars and more.  Recognition will be given in the following categories:  School Spirit, Best Float, and Best Outstanding Entry in all categories.  For more information call 918-225-9633.  This year’s Parade Marshall is Jim Lauerman who just retired after 40 years serving Cushing Public Schools.


1:45 pm (or immediately following the parade) – Hall of Fame Ceremony

Slip on over to Cushing Community Theatre, 105 E. Broadway, for the Hall of Fame Ceremony.  This year’s inductees are Col. Harvey F. Crouch, Jr. (Class of 1958), John O’Dell (Class of 1972) and Alton Carter (Class of 1988).


3 pm – Outhouse Races

Find out who has the fastest outhouse in the 3rd Annual Cushing Alumni Association Outhouse Race by sticking around for this popular downtown alumni event.  Be on the lookout as they come racing down Broadway between Cleveland and Harrison!


7 pm –  All Class Reunion Mixer

The community is invited to join alumni for an evening of fun at a mixer held at Buffalo Rock Golf and Gun Club beginning at 7 o’clock.  Admission is $5 per person.  There will be a cash bar and the Buffalo Rock Steakhouse will be open with a limited menu for those wanting a drink or a bite to eat.  ABOUT FACE PHOTO BOOTH will be there to capture your memories in photos.  And don’t forget your dancing shoes because GOLDEN REFLECTIONS DJ EXPRESS PRODUCTIONS will be there to spin your favorite tunes!