(Stillwater, Okla.) — A Mannford man, who previously lived in Drumright, has been jailed on $75,000 bail on Payne County charges of breaking into a man’s building in Yale on N. Mt. Vernon Road and stealing various pieces of equipment.
    Billy Joe Avey, 42, who has 15 prior felony convictions, could be incarcerated for four years to life if convicted of second-degree burglary on Nov. 9. Avey could be given a 10-year prison term if convicted of stealing a welding trailer carrying a welder, two corded angle grinders and a chain saw, also on Nov. 9.
    Avey was arrested on his Payne County charges on Nov. 28, the day after he was arraigned in Creek County where he was charged on Oct. 25 with being a felon in possession of a firearm, court records show.
    Less than four months ago, Avey was placed on 10 years’ probation in Noble County for concealing stolen property in 2016, court records show.
    According to the state Department of Corrections, Avey had been paroled from prison in April of 2013.
    Court records show that Avey had previously been convicted of:
    * concealing stolen property in Creek County in 2007 and given a four-year prison term in January 2009 to begin serving after completing the following sentence;
    * concealing stolen property in Creek County in 2005 for which he was originally given in 2006 three years of probation that was revoked in January 2009 to three years in prison;
    * concealing stolen property in Pawnee County in 2004 for which he was originally given in 2005 nine months in jail followed by one year and three months of probation that was revoked in June 2007 to 15 months in prison concurrent to 11 Payne County convictions of concealing stolen property in 2004 for which he was originally given probation that was revoked in February 2006 to two years in prison.
    According to court records, Avey had also been charged in Creek County with car theft in 2015, car theft in 1996 and possession of a stolen vehicle in 1996, all of which were dismissed.