By:  Patti Weaver

(Stillwater, Okla.) — A convicted rapist was charged Tuesday with having violated the Sex Offender Registration Act on April 11 by allegedly failing to notify the Oklahoma Department of Corrections and the Payne County Sheriff’s Office no less than three days prior to moving from his address in the 3700 block of E. Lakeview in Stillwater.

Jared Wayne Sharpton, 26, could be given as much as a five-year prison term and a $5,000 fine if convicted of violating the Sex Offender Registration Act.

According to Cleveland county court records, three years ago Sharpton pleaded guilty to second-degree rape on Aug. 4, 2015, for which he was given a five-year suspended sentence with a precondition that he serve 10 consecutive weekends in jail and comply with the special rules for sex offenders.

Sharpton has not yet appeared in Payne County District Court on the sex offender violation charge, court records show.
