Donna and I are thrilled to have students from Cushing High School on our show each Friday morning from 8:10 – 8:30 a.m. Friday’s guest giving the news was Robby Smith. Prior to Robby, we had two Tiger football players in the house- Matt Cook and Paul Carpenter along with Quarterback Club representative Jake Music. Tune in to the Donna and Molly Show each Friday morning from 7 :40 – 8:30 a.m. to hear from our students!
Robby is a senior at CHS, plays the trombone in the band and is the son of Rob and M.J. Henderson Smith.
Robby told us about a new board at the high school – the LOL (Laugh out Loud) board. It is a way to “poke fun at your friends” in a good natured way. For just $2 you can submit a photo to the Student Council sponsor (Mrs. MJ). The photo will be on display on the bulletin board in the lobby by Mrs. Lee’s room. To take the photo down, someone must pay $5. Of course all photos must be school appropriate.
He also urge folks to support the Tigers at the first home game of the season Friday night. Tigers vs the Okmulgee Bulldogs. FCCLA (Family Career and Community Leaders of America) are doing face painting. Cost: Just 25 cents to $1.
*(And let me interject, while we are supporting our Tigers, don’t forget to support the other integral groups of any game – the cheerleaders, the dance team, the mascot and of course THE BAND!)
Other highlights Robby touched on:
Athletes of the Week: Garrett Evans and Whitney LInder
Business People of America (BPA) are selling “mega muffins” for $1 before school and during lunch in Ms. Barton’s room.
Senior ads need to be reserved by Sept. 18th to Mrs. Nancy Miller. No money is due at this time.
A reminder: Students are not allowed to have their cell phones out or turned on while in the building. If a parent needs to reach their child during school hours they may call the office at (918)- 225-6622.
Individuals or businesses wishing to purchase ads in this year’s CHS annual can contact any yearbook student or Nancy Miller at (918) 225-6622. Ads need to be placed by Sept. 18th.
CHS picture day is Wednesday Sept. 16th. Students will be able to get order forms from their English teacher.
Gifted and Talented Students interested in seeing the Tulsa Ballet’s “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” on Nov. 2nd need to see Mrs. Puls by Monday, Sept. 14th.
The Cushing Lions Club can provide help to students who need glasses. If you need help, please see Ms. Scribner or Ms. Payne in the Counseling Office.
Congratulations went out to Freshmen Student Council Officers: President: Gabrielle Swain; VP: Alexa Cackler and Secretary: Mattea Jackson.
To read more school news in the Cushing High School newspaper, “Eye of the Tiger,” click on the school banner at the top of this page and go to the CHS news page, and click on “Eye of the Tiger.”