(Stillwater, Okla.) — A Perkins woman, who reportedly stripped down completely nude while handcuffed to a bench in the Payne County Jail, has been ordered to appear before a judge this week on a felony charge of assault and battery on a female detention officer.
Virginia Ann Hartney, 23, who was being held for Perkins police, could be given as much as a five-year prison term if convicted of kicking a Payne County jailer twice on her leg, court records show.
Payne County Sheriff’s Deputy Justin Henninger was advised at 2 p.m. on Jan. 26 that a female inmate handcuffed to the bench in the jail had been yelling and trying to kick a female detention officer, his affidavit alleged.
“By the time I had arrived to the jail, the inmate had stripped down completely nude,” the deputy alleged in his affidavit.
The detention officer “informed me she was trying to clean out the north detox cell to put Virginia Hartney in it,” the deputy wrote in his affidavit.
In the deputy’s presence, Hartney called the female detention officer an offensive name numerous times, the affidavit alleged.
When another jailer arrived, the female detention officer had him “attempt to un-handcuff Hartney from the bench,” the affidavit alleged.
The female detention officer was kicked in her right and left thigh area while she was grabbing Hartney’s left arm to escort her from the bench, the affidavit alleged.
“I pushed Hartney’s head to the bench in an attempt to control her while she was being un-handcuffed,” the deputy alleged in his affidavit, then helped to escort Hartney to a detox cell.
“There were three inmates present at the time of the incident,” according to the affidavit.
One female prisoner wrote in a statement, “I saw the woman fight with and against the officers as they were trying to move her. I saw her kick and continue to struggle. I saw her kick the girl officer,” the affidavit alleged.
The other female prisoner wrote, “Inmate was being loud and belligerent and naked and yelling profanities,” at the female detention officer, whom Hartney kicked, the affidavit alleged.
A male inmate, who was standing at the booking counter, said “he was told to look forward so he did not see anything,” the affidavit alleged.