Disclaimer-All arrestees are presumed innocent until proven guilty:
11:35 on 12/18/18, Suspect, Threats/Intimidation, Area of South Jones
12:45 on 12/20/18, Gumercindo Jurado-Juarez, Assault- Simple, Assault – Aggravated, Area of East Noble
17:00 on 12/21/18, Allen Ray Fairchild, Drug/Narcotics-Equipment Violations, Area of East Noble
05:17 on 12/22/18, Larceny/Theft-All Other, Area of Drumright Place Apartments
12:08 on 12/22/18, Kyle James McDonald, Traffic-Direct Traffic, Area of Virginia and Wood
08:45 on 12/23/18, Suspect, Health Safety-Other, Area of East Noble
13:30 on 12/24/18, Suspect, Weapons Law Violations, Public Peace-Other, Public Peace – Animal Other, Public Peace-Other, Area of South Bristow and South Curtis Streets