From the Desk of Rep. John Talley, District 33 (Stillwater, Oka) -- On July 3, 1776, John Adams, one of the authors of the Declaration of Independence and a future president, wrote that he was... Read More.
Rep. John Talley, District 33 (Oklahoma City, OK) -- I hope everybody had a great Memorial Day. I'm so glad we celebrate this holiday because it reminds us to take the focus off ourselves and... Read More.
Submitted by Joy Michele Saffa (Cushing, Okla) -- As a resident of the state of Oklahoma and of the city of Cushing, I have concerns and questions regarding the handling of COVID19 in our state... Read More.
By State Rep. John Talley
(District 33 Payne County) --This past month has been busy with activities in District 33 and throughout the state!Warden Raymond Byrd asked me to facilitate a team-building... Read More.
(Cushing, Okla) Greetings! After several years in exile, we bring you the new and improved SNN! This site is powered by THE KUSH, a unique local Payne County radio station located in Cushing, OK. The KUSH... Read More.
Welcome to the brand-new version of the KUSH website! For over ten years, the group known as the KUSH team have been redesigning for the 21st century. Really, we are simply continuing the
vision as first envisioned by... Read More.