Every year the families of childhood sweethearts Joe and Judy Gooch get together for a family reunion. Though Judy hand her hands full today, as this year’s reunion is being held at her and her husband Joe’s home in Stroud Oklahoma, she still took the time to do a live interview on the KUSH Business Spotlight. I felt very privilege. She is a very busy woman. Not only is Judy Gooch one of the best apple dumpling makers in the Cimarron Valley, but the owner and publisher, along with her husband Joe, of the monthly Corridor Magazine.
The Corridor covers the area along and around Route 66 between OKC and Tulsa. With her hair pulled back in a cute ponytail,( I believe she is all of 5’1′), Judy breezes in and I could feel the energy all around her as she spoke softly about the 4th year of the Corridor Magazine. Like myself, Judy’s passion is to uncover the rich culture and unique aspects of the people and their lives along the Cimarron Corridor. Though my job primarily focuses on advertising, commonly and regularly we uncover Outlaws, Heroes and Legends behind a restaurateur, beautician, or oilfield worker, all right here in our own backyards. This magazine is just downright precious. The articles are beautifully written, investigated, and versatile. Pets, kids, vineyards, military heroes, festivals, charities, recipes, gardening and poems are just a few of the features.
Judy and I talked about being thankful for all the advertisers. These ads also give us so much pride. Getting to know the business owners and their products is part of what makes our job possible. And just because you live in a small town, does not mean it is void of the latest technologies, fashions and products. State of the art and COOL permeates our schools, hospital and clinics, library, Youth Center, and so many of our businesses. Learning how a business began or a passion or project the business owner or citizen may have is what the Corridor brings to their readers. It is what connects us and enlightens us to what is really going on in our communities.
For example, by visiting with advertisers, I’ve learned that Hollywood Nitzs’, Pamela Bayhylle is a ghostwriter on the side, Paula Porter of Cushing’s Wholefoods is a fabulous photographer, Shelly Holly who is raising awareness for Dystonia has also published a book of poems. The stories are endless.
The Corridor brings to you all the food, shopping and fun and interesting things do without having to drive a long ways away. The Vineyards such as Tidal Schools, Territory Cellars, and Stable Ridge, in central and eastern Oklahoma are getting international awards and attention and are only minutes away. The B & B’s such as Tatanka Ranch and Lost Creek are something even locals would enjoy for a special occasions or a weekend getaway without the expense of gas and time off work. The artists that are featured in the Corridor, whether they are a painter, quilter, photographer – all types of talents – are so unique. It is so wonderful to read their personal stories. And who knows, you may even be related! The Corridor Magazine is free and available… well..everywhere. You can also get a subscription by calling (918) 968-0548. Joe Gooch was picking up the latest publication as Judy and I were speaking and the new issue will have the schedules of the area ballgames, school news and all kinds of great stories. The Corridor is getting thicker with every issue and it is now considered a slick or a glossy. In other words, I believe it is one of those magazines you will enjoy so much, you will look forward to every issue and be amazed. Who knows? You may see yourself in the next issue. Thank you Judy Gooch for making time for KUSH Business Spotlight.